Tax Return Checklist
Please find below a list of the details/documents which we require in order to complete and submit your Tax Return each year
If you could just check through the list and send on details relevant to your own situation we would be most grateful.
We appreciate that not all the details are relevant to you, so please ignore any that do not apply to you.
Could we ask that you send in all your information as photocopies or e-mail attachments. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU DO KEEP YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SAFE.
- Update of sea service, to include a clear photocopy of your Discharge Book entries (including inside front cover which shows your personal details) or Discharge Certificates, qualifying tax night sheets, if working in the North Sea then clear copies of the two page draught of water and freeboard showing the date and time a vessel leaves or arrives and the ships position at midnight sheets showing precise dates of entering and leaving the UK or the twelve mile limit. If you spend any time in the Office between trips we will need these dates also.
- Dates in respect of any leave spent abroad on holiday or training courses. Please ensure that you do keep substantial proof to prove you absence whilst abroad. There is no need to send this proof to us but ensure this is retained in case this is requested by H M Revenue & Customs should they wish to review your claim.
- Pay and tax details, in the form of a copy of your P60 or End of Year Financial Statement, if not, your payslips for the months of April to March each year.
- If you have received any benefits in kind or further income related to your job, you should also provide your form P11D, Bond Profit statements or similar.
- If you are receiving a pension in addition to your employment income, i.e. forces pension, I will require a copy of the P60 which you should receive at the end of each tax year.
- If you are a Cadet or have been on study leave, the your precise dates of attendance at college and whether receiving full pay and/or specified income during this period.
- If you have changed employment or had several employers, we will need the precise dates of starting and finishing with each employer and the relevant P45(s) or all payslips received during that employment.
- If you have been unemployed we will also need details of any benefits received.
- If you have investment income, such as shares and savings we will need details of these. The types of things we require are Certificates of Deduction of tax for each savings account and Share Dividend Vouchers. Even though most of your savings interest has not been taxed we still need the details to show on your tax return.
- We also require details of any private pensions which you may be paying into, to include the name of the pension provider and the amount you paid into the scheme during the period? 6th April and 5th April each year?
Seafarer’s Tax Calendar – Key Dates
Below you will find some key dates relating to your tax affairs and tax refund claims.
Self Assessment | Deadline |
Paper tax returns | Midnight 31 October |
Online tax returns | Midnight 31 January |
Pay the tax you owe | Midnight 31 January |